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Thursday, 16 February 2006
Smartphone Science Class
Topic: New Technologies

Taking a course on a smartphone? It's not as far-fetched as it may seem. In fact, K-12 schools have been utilizing mobile devices for several years now to take photos, collect information, and then instant-message classmates, or post to discussion boards. However, the practice can certainly be expanded to be incorporated in home school distance education courses, or college-level courses. Communication can take place through phone, e-mail, and instant messenger, as well as via the web. The smartphone's media player functionality can be used for movie clips and mp3s, while the photo capabilities can be used to collect, record, and share data. It even contains an FM radio, so students can listen to radio programs. Finally, photos and logs can be shared through blog or Flickr.

For a script of the entire article / podcast, please visit http://elearnqueen.blogspot.com/2006/02/smartphone-science-class.html

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Posted by elearningqueen at 6:13 AM EST

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